From a very young age, I've seen the world in pictures.
Many long car journeys around Scotland were spent pretending I could take photographs by blinking my eyes.
It was a constant source of frustration that I couldn't stop the train so we could all admire the view.
It's STILL a constant source of frustration that I can't stop the train so we can all admire the view.
I - FINALLY! - got a camera for my tenth birthday. Given the number of very expensive film rolls I got through, I suspect my parents regretted it, but I loved photographing tiny plastic animals frolicking amongst the flowers. It was the start of the long, winding journey (via cinema projection and copywriting and miscellaneous office admin jobs) to where I am now: photographing YOU frolicking amongst the flowers. Or strolling along the beach at sunrise. Or having a giggle at home.
I have two kids (wild, wonderful and hilarious, the pair of them), one cat (elderly) and one spouse (fatigued; male, but that was never a given). All of my favourite music is old and I have named an embarrassing number of our garden birds.
That's me. Tell me something about yourself. I think we're going to get on.